South African Fashion Week has been paving the way for the retail sector to support SA designers via our trade shows, designer PopUp Shops and other initiatives. The response from large retailers and departmental stores, has been uninspired and, in my, view, short-sighted. Rather than harnessing the opportunity to build our brands, too many have opted for the easy route of inexpensive, and often tepid, imports. The real and exciting opportunity therefore, exists for the mainstream sector, including the large international chains currently dominating our market, to commit to local production.

I believe equally that government should commit to the fashion industry with a holistic approach to re-ignite the enormous skill set of our textile industry. This sector has been ravaged by a laissez-faire approach to cheap imports. Incentives and strategies to enable erstwhile strong manufacturers to regain their competitive momentum by updating technology and bringing complementary endeavours together, must be put on the table.

The eyes of the world are on Africa, and more specifically, South Africa. We have the chance to attract new and sustainable interest with a contemporary and appealing slow fashion contribution. It can replace the hold of fast fashion. Now is the time to do everything in our power to support our designer community. After all, no one escapes fashion, we consume it without realising its power.